more even...more beautiful place...visit lombok sumbawa 2012

Minggu, 19 September 2010

Lebaran Adat Wetu Telu

Like previous year, two-day after feast day of Ramadan idul fitri, society of custom of Follower of Wetu Telu in bayan, north paprika return to celebrate the First Day Of Idulfitri Custom.

Besides Gawe Alip and Maulid Custom, First day of Idulfitri of Custom is one of big cultural ritual of follower of Wetu Telu in Lombok Island North. First day of Idulfitri Procession this Custom do not too entangling of society of a lot because of following this ritual only circle of just just kiai chieftain and.

This Custom procession early by doing Grave Pilgrimage done by a local cultural follower of Wetu Telu. Nighttime before custom celebration, a number of citizen release the alms. There is Extract Alms which its reward is intention for the ancestor of die. There is also Alms Urip which intention to one who are alive.

This alms in the form of garden result, clothes, food until beverage tradisonal of a kind brem. Before midnight, this alms have been gathered by each kampu ( custom house ). Before brought to Ancient Mosque, this alms is arranged and divided by flatten. And hereinafter placed in big baskom and brought by 16 people of citizen of local custom to Ancient Mosque of Bayan Beleq which is located in Kampu East Bayan.

They walk in together lead by one or the other melokak ( tetua custom ) bringing lamp of jojor ( Lamp of From Rubber Apart). Meanwhile, in Ancient Mosque of Bayan Beleq have gathered tens of kiai and custom chieftain. They sit at the same time to dzikir and by typical tone. Is it cusorily heard by reading do'a bounced to be heard by like Javanese song or kidung.

After all gathered, some of that alms is among other things enjoyed by all Kiai and Ancient Pengulu Mosque custom of Bayan Beleq amounting to 44 people.

All using kereng abang ( red colored Case typically Bayan) with the white shirt. That night at the same time enjoy some of fitrah, all kiai santri ( candidate Kiai ), deepening ritual and cultural of Wetu Telu from all as senior as.

Procession network  Before this Shalat Ied is recognized by the name of Rebaq Jungkat ( Knocking down Lance ). This Procession is started at midnight and finish the early morning. Besides berdzikir and praying, all kiai santri deepen the order and rule of custom of society of Wetu telu.

Following this procession ritual in following by 44 people that is four Kiai while the rest of Kiai santri. Ketip Or Sermon reader usually come from Countryside Sukadana while Mudim Drawing up need of custom procession always come from Orchard of Barong Birak, Bayan. ordinary Imam Worker referred by Pengulu come from Orchard of Loloan and Lebe come from Countryside Compose The Bajo, Bayan. Until Before at dawn then some of this Kiai start to bolt to come home of each their house. But some of among other things tired free  and lodge in Mosque

Like previous year, two-day after feast day of Ramadan idul fitri, society of custom of Follower of Wetu Telu in bayan, north paprika return to celebrate the First Day Of Idulfitri Custom
Besides Gawe Alip and Maulid Custom, First day of Idulfitri of Custom is one of big cultural ritual of follower of Wetu Telu in Lombok Island North. First day of Idulfitri Procession this Custom do not too entangling of society [of] a lot because of following this ritual only circle of just just kiai chieftain and

Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Lebaran Adat Wetu Telu

Like previous year, two-day after feast day of Ramadan idul fitri, society of custom of Follower of wetu telu in bayan, North Lombok return to celebrate the Lebaran Adat

Besides gawe alip and maulid custom, Lebaran Adat one of big cultural ritual of follower of Wetu Telu in North Lombok. this procession Lebaran custom do not too entangling of the society of a lot because of following this ritual only circle of just just Kiai Penghulu and Kiai Santri
This Custom procession early by doing grave pilgrimage done by a cultural follower of local wetu telu. Nighttime of before custom celebration, a number of citizen release the alms.
There is extract alms which its reward is intention for the ancestor of die called Gawe Pati. There is also alms life which intention to one who above the ground called Gawe Urip.
This alms in the form of result of Forest,Garden,Cloth and food until beverage tradisonal of a kind Brem. Before midnight of this alms have been gathered by each kampu ( Adat house ).
Before brought to ancient mosque, this alms is arranged and divided to by flatten is here in after placed in big baskom and brought by 16 people of citizen of local adat to ancient mosque of Bayan Beleq which is located in East Bayan Kampu.
They walk the Together led by one or the other melokak ( Tetua Adat ) bringing lamp jojor ( LAMP  FROM RUBBER APART).
Meanwhile, in ancient Mosque of Bayan Beleq have gathered tens of kiai Penghulu and Adat chieftain. They sit at the same time berdzikir by and typical tone. Is cusorily heard by reading do'a bounced to be heard by like Javanese song or kidung.

After all gathered, some of is among other things enjoyed by all kiai and ancient pengulu adapt mosque of bayan beleq amounting to 44 people.
All using kereng elder brother ( rose colored Case typically bayan) with the white shirt. That night.

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010


Otak Kokok Waterfall is one of Beautifull waterfall in Lombok Island. It's about 35 kilometer from Mataram The Capital Of WEST NUSA Tenggara Province ( NUSA TENGGARA BARAT ).


KUTA not Only in BALI.Lombok Have KUTA Too

Pantai Kuta adalah salah satu objek wisata andalan di Pulau Lombok. Pantai yang menghadap “Laut Selatan” itu berada di wilayah Desa Kuta, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Jarak antara Kota Mataram, Ibukota Provinsi NTB, dengan Pantai Kuta sekitar 70 kilometer, atau satu jam perjalanan mengendarai kendaraan bermotor roda empat.
 Menikmati indahnya hamparan pasir putih dan gemuruh ombak saling berkejaran ditingkahi hembusan angin semilir di tepi Pantai Kuta, Bali sungguh menyenangkan. Maka tidak heran banyak para pelancong dari berbagai belahan dunia ingin menyinggahi kawasan ini. Namun ada juga sebuah tempat yang tidak kalah indah. Yah..namanya Pantai Kuta yang terdapat di Pulau Lombok

Ombak bergulung, bekejar-kejaran terlihat seperti tak pernah putus asa untuk mengukir bongkahan batu karang. Sementara, buih-buih putih yang terpencar, seperti merengkuh, mengajak berenang pasir-pasir putih di Pantai Kuta.
Birunya air laut yang berpadu dengan putihnya pasir pantai, menjadikan panorama alam di sekitar itu, bak lukisan alam yang terhampar di depan mata. Sedangkan bongkahan batu karang di salah satu sisi pantai, semakin melengkapi harmoni alam sekitarnya.

Meski jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh, tapi untuk menjangkau objek wisata itu perlu kesabaran. Sebab, selain jalan yang berliku dan tidak terlalu lebar, arus lalu lintas di jalur tersebut juga cukup padat. Apalagi, jika sepanjang perjalanan dari Mataram ke Kuta, wisatawan lebih dulu disuguhi atraksi budaya nyongkolan.
Pantai Kuta di Lombok selama ini juga dijuluki dengan Pantai Merica. Alasannya, menurut warga setempat, karena pantai ini dikenal pasirnya yang putih kekuningan seperti butiran-butiran merica.
Butiran pasir berbentuk merica itu jika diinjak, kaki terasa tenggelam, susah diangkat untuk melangkah.
kutalombok12“Karena kekhasannya itulah tidak jarang wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Pantai Kuta mengambilnya untuk oleh-oleh.
Selain bermain di pantai berpasir putih, di objek wisata itu pengunjung dapat mandi matahari dan berenang di bagian tepi laut, karena airnya cukup dangkal. Pengunjung yang ingin menikmati keindahan pantai dari perairan, dapat menyewa perahu, sementara yang ingin berselancar tersedia penyewaan papan selancar.

kuta lombokBerkunjung ke Pantai Kuta agaknya akan terasa sangat istimewa saat di tempat itu digelar upacara Bau Nyale atau upacara menangkap cacing laut. Saat-saat seperti ini, pengunjung Pantai Kuta sangat banyak, bisa mencapai puluhan ribu. Pantai yang begitu indah itu akan tertutup lautan manusia.